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Liang Cai
Crime, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Urban Sociology, Geography
Likun Cao
Computational Methods, Economic Sociology, Social Organizations, Social Studies of Knowledge
Liz Chavez
Family, Gender, Qualitative Methodology, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Stratification
Yuting Chen
Comparative/Historical/Macro Sociology, Development/Modernization, Economic Sociology, Political Sociology, Qualitative Methodology, Social Theory
Kyung Won Choi
Demography, Health and Medicine, Quantitative Methodology, Stratification
Luke Matteo Cianciotto
Political Sociology, Qualitative Methodology, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Social Theory, Urban Sociology

Terry N. Clark
Using decision-making theory to approach urban politics and other social phenomena, sociology of culture, transnational processes, urban sociology, social theory

Elisabeth S. Clemens
Political sociology, organizational analysis, historical sociology
Sophia Costa
Culture, Economic Sociology, Qualitative Methodology, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Social Organizations, Social Studies of Knowledge, Immigration, Social Networks
Della Cox
Demography, Education, Gender, Quantitative Methodology, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Stratification, Work/Occupations

Peyton Cunningham
Education, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Stratification