My research interests lie at the intersection of stratification studies, economic sociology, and gender studies. My research aims to challenge the way stratification research studies the role of women in the intergenerational reproduction of social advantage by considering their involvement in financial transfers to children, such as inheritance, gifts, and other parental investments. Up until now, intergenerational wealth transmission has been perceived and studied as occurring mainly through the paternal line. However, because this type of transmission involves a great share of emotional and care work, which is disproportionately taken on by women, their involvement in these processes deserves further exploration.
Recent Research / Recent Publications
Pugliese, Maude, Hélène Belleau, and Camille Biron-Boileau. 2023. “Conjugal Testamentary Practices in Canada: The Gendered Effect of Children from Other Unions.” Journal of Marriage and Family 85(1): 134–152.