Ross M. Stolzenberg
Ross M. Stolzenberg B.A. Columbia University, 1968
M.A. University of Michigan, 1971
Ph.D. University of Michigan, 1973
Office: Social Science 325 Phone: 773-702-8685 Email Interests:

Employment and its connections to other social institutions and structures, including formal organizations, the family, schools, and ethnic, race and gender stratification patterns


Ross (Rafe) Stolzenberg is professor in the Committee on Quantitative Research Methods in the Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences; the Department of Sociology and in the College. His substantive research focuses on employment, occupations, careers, and labor markets, lately with attention to the U.S. federal judiciary. Stolzenberg has published more than 50 articles in leading peer reviewed professional publications and has authored, co-authored or edited ten books and monographs. He edited Sociological Methodology, chaired the Methodology Section of the American Sociological Association, and served on editorial boards of The American Sociological Review, The American Journal of Sociology, Social Forces, Sociological Methods and Research, Social Science Research, and Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.  He received the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award “For a career of distinguished contribution to the field of sociological methodology” from the Methodology Section of the American Sociological Association. He was awarded a Fulbright Distinguished Chair in the Humanities and Social Sciences at The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, by the U.S. Department of State [deferred], and was elected to the Sociological Research Association for "distinguished contribution" to sociological research. He was awarded the Citation for Valor by The American Red Cross.

Stolzenberg’s substantive studies include examinations of

  • Occupational, industrial and employer segmentation of labor market structure and function.
  • Effects of husbands’ and wives’ employment on each other’s health.
  • Reciprocal effects of fertility expectations and labor force participation plans of young women.
  • City and state differences in race and gender occupational inequality.
  • Effects of marriage and fertility timing on religious participation of American parents.
  • Post-collegiate school continuation.
  • Earnings effects of schooling, race, gender, ethnicity, immigration, geographic location and English fluency.
  • Politicized retirement timing of  U.S. federal judges.
  • Effects of retirement on subsequent on mortality risk and longevity.

His methodological studies have examined

  • A differential calculus-based, unified method for calculating comparable measures of net, total, mediated and indirect effects in linear and nonlinear, additive and nonadditive, single- and multiple- equation models, with continuous and binary outcomes, and with latent and observed variables.
  • Sample selection bias correction methods.
  • Measurement of gender, race and ethnic employment inequality in local labor markets.

He has served as a consultant or expert witness in matters ranging from employment discrimination to public utility rate base calculation. Stolzenberg edited the journal Sociological Methodology for the American Sociological Association from 2000 - 2006, and now serves on three other editorial boards. At Chicago, he is affiliated with NORC and the Ogburn Stouffer Center for Population and Social Organization. Stolzenberg is an active affiliate of the Center for Demography and Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Recent Research / Recent Publications

Journal Articles

Ross M. Stolzenberg and James Lindgren. 2022. “Judges as Party Animals: Retirement Timing by Federal Judges and Party Control of Judicial Appointments.” American Sociological Review 87(4):675–697.