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Linda Waite
Health & society, aging, family, social demography, sexuality
Zikui Wei
Comparative/Historical/Macro Sociology, Development/Modernization, Political Sociology, Social Change, Social Theory
Geoffrey Wodtke
Inequality, poverty, and social mobility; social psychology; urban sociology; causal inference
Kazuo Yamaguchi
Models (statistical models for social data and mathematical models for social phenomena), life course, rational choice, exchange networks, stratification and mobility, demography of family and employment, process of drug use progression, and Japanese society
Ziyuan Yang
Comparative/Historical/Macro Sociology, Demography, Globalization, Health and Medicine, Social Studies of Knowledge, Social Theory
Yueran Zhang
Political economy, political sociology, comparative-historical methods, (de)mobilizations, production and social reproduction, development, global and transnational sociology, theory
Linda Zhao
Social networks, intergroup dynamics, immigrant integration, policing, race and ethnicity, demography, neighborhoods, computational social science
Xia Zheng
Demography, Education, Family, Quantitative Methodology, Stratification
Xiaogao Zhou
Gender and Sexuality, Medical Sociology, Health, Transnational Sociology, China
Xiaogao Zhou
Gender and Sexuality, Medical Sociology, Health, Transnational Sociology, China
Ángela Zorro Medina
Crime, Political Sociology, Quantitative Methodology, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Stratification, Urban Sociology