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Andrew Abbott
Professions and work, urban sociology, historical sociology, methodology, and general social theory
Heba Alex
Political and Organizational Sociology, Sociology of Law, Social Theory, Stratification, American Politics, Work and Occupations, Morality
Heba Alex
Political and Organizational Sociology, Sociology of Law, Social Theory, Stratification, American Politics, Work and Occupations, Morality
Luc Anselin
Spatial data science, spatial econometrics, computational social science, regional science, urban studies
Jacy Reese Anthis
Computational Methods, Culture, Economic Sociology, Mathematical Sociology, Qualitative Methodology, Quantitative Methodology, Social Organizations, Social Studies of Knowledge, Work/Occupations, Human-Computer Interaction
Guilherme Baratho
Culture, Political Sociology, Qualitative Methodology, Race/Ethnic/Minority Relations, Sociology of Religion, Urban Sociology
Loren Beard
Poverty and Inequality, Governance and the State, Children and Family, Health and Wellbeing
Loren Beard
Poverty and Inequality, Governance and the State, Children and Family, Health and Wellbeing
Joyce Bell
Race, social movements, work, professions, organizations, diversity in higher education
Camille Biron-Boileau
Demography, Economic Sociology, Family, Gender, Stratification
Maurice Bokanga
Social Psychology, Economic Sociology, Social Networks, Quantitative Methods, Mathematical Sociology, Social Theory, Prosocial Behavior, Morality
Maurice Bokanga
Social Psychology, Economic Sociology, Social Networks, Quantitative Methods, Mathematical Sociology, Social Theory, Prosocial Behavior, Morality